Friday, June 18, 2010

The Hebrew word God (EL)

The Hebrew word for God is (EL), which is the root of the word Elohim. These two letters written in Hebrew as Aleph, Lamed (AL), is the same word used in Arabic as the word God (Allah), which also has it’s root in the two letters (EL) or (AL). These two letter alphabets also you will notice has been affixed to many names and words in order to give it a divine origin.

Aleph has a numerical value of zero, first position and lamed has a numerical value of eleven, and the twelfth position of the Hebrew alphabets. There are twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabets with Aleph as the starting point and Tau as the last letter with a numerical value of twenty one and the twenty second position.

When the ancients discovered that the word God is EL they began to affix these two letters to just about any name to give it a divine meaning. It is from these two letters EL that give meaning to the names of most of the angels as known to us. Michael meaning "who is like unto God". Michael, with the last two letters of EL connects the word God to the meaning of the word. Raphael, meaning "God is my healer". Here again Raphael derives it’s connotation to the word God from the last two letters EL connected to the word. Ariel, meaning "Lion of God", derives it’s meaning from the last two letters of EL affixed to the name. Gabriel, meaning "God is my strength", derives it’s meaning from the last two letters EL affixed to the name.

The Arabic language uses the letters AL instead of EL but both have the same meaning for the EL is actually written as AL. So a word like Michael in Hebrew becomes Mich’al in Arabic. A name like Gabriel, becomes Gabri’al in Arabic , and carries the same meaning as that of Hebrew.

From this pattern the Arabic God Allah is actually the Hebrew God Eloah for these two words are spelled exactly the same way in both Arabic and Hebrew. Eloah is spelled Aleph, Lamed He in Hebrew which appears as ALH in written text. Allah is written as Aleph, Lamed, He and pronounced as Allah. Here we notice that Eloah and Allah are one and the same.

Here are few other examples of the use of the word God in the old testament bible. The word Adonai in Hebrew means Lord, and whenever you come across the words the Lord God of hosts, it is written in Hebrew as El Adonai Tzabaoth. Another example El Shaddai is God Almighty. Elohim Tzbaoth is God of Hosts. Elohim Gibor is Stength of God.

The EL affixed to the names of the angels is similar to the way we add a last name to a first name, but in the case of the angels the names first and last are combined as one. Hence the word Michael is actually two words of Micha EL. Mica is mirror or likeness in Hebrew hence Michael took on the meaning of likeness of God, or who is like unto God.

In all these instances we become aware that the one God, expresses and manifests himself through many and the countless number of hosts. If we go back into the root of the source, we are all actually sons and daughters of God, for we are from the seed of God. Adam and Eve, supplied the physical flesh that we inhabit, but it was the seed of God from which Adam and Eve were made in the first place.

From this perspective a name of God which is the seed of God is connected to every living thing visible and invisible , both man and angels. It can be deduced that it is these names of God that is the true living and driving power in living beings. Indirectly speaking, human beings are gods in the making, evolving on the path to become gods, for within us is the seed of God.

We know of the supreme name of God as Yahweh, but from the above analysis God has names connected to every living being and each of these names is unique. It is not necessarily a name with the last two letters ending EL for this is a concept derived by man’s analysis. How many names of God are there, will be a question of how many human beings, spirits and life forms exist in the galaxy. For every single life form existing in the galaxy is connected to God and as its source and a name of God is connected to that being.

The names of God are holy and mighty, for it is the life, strength and eternal power within a creature. We have been fortunate through Christ to know of one of the names of God as Yeheshua, but that is not all there is. Every human being has a name of God also, we just do not know it yet. When the name of God within a man or woman unfolds on earth, then a god is born among mankind.

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