Friday, June 18, 2010

The seven African gods, Diloggun, Divination

Before reading this article it is recommended that you read the first article titled “The Seven African gods, African, Hispanic, Religion”, to grasp the foundation of this series. The diloggun is the process of casting the cowries and before opening the diloggun a jicara (gourd or jar) of water, lit cigar, and lit candles should be placed on the table to give ache and strength to the spirits consulted.

The symbols of Ibo are eight. The Ibo are the objects that are used in the divination to determine Yes or No answers to questions. (1) efun (white powdered chalk, crashed eggshells) ,(2) black stone, (3) two bound cowries ,(4) a seashell, (5) a piece of bone ,(6) a seed ,(7) a dolls head, (8) a piece of broken china or pottery.

The client’s name is written on paper so it can be referred to during the prayer (mojuba). First the diviner takes the efun and rubs it over both hands until the palm, fingers, and thumbs are covered in white. This is done to the client as well (one must have clean, pure hands before handling the shells of an orisha).
Now the client is instructed to take the small fee usually $21 and fold it tightly into a small ball. The client crosses himself with it marking the four quarters of the body and gives it to the diviner. The Italero draws a circle on the ground marking a double line at the four cardinal points east, south, west, north.
Before praying, a jicara of fresh water is carried in the left hand, and using the fingers of the right, three dashes of water are splashed before the spirits shrine with the following words.

Omi tutu; ona tutu, ache tutu, Tutu ile.
Tutu Laroye. Tutu Ariku Babawo.

Fresh water, freshen the road to the orisha.
Refresh my powers; freshen my home,
Freshen Eleggua in his path of Eshu Laroye.
Bring us freshness that has no end.

After this the diviner takes the sixteen cowries and adds to it the money given by the client and these are all rubbed together. All these are rubbed between the two hand to awaken the soul that sleeps in the cowries. As they are being rubbed the following prayer is recited.

Mojuba Olofin. Mojuba Olorun. Mojuba Olodamare.
Mojuba Olojoni oni odun mocuedun. Olorun Alabosudaye. Olorun Alabosunife.
Olorun Alaye. Olorun Elemi. Olodumare oba aterere Kaye. Olodumare, mojuba gbogbo iku imbelese.
Olodumare, Ibae baye tonu. Mojuba atijo ojo. Mojuba atiwo orun,
Mojuba oyai odun, oni odun, odun ola. Mojuba orun, Mojuba Oshukwa. Mojuba ile ogere a took jeri.

We pay homage to God the creator of heaven and earth. We pay homage to the sun. We pay homage to the moon. We pay homage to the clouds. We pay homage to the rain. We pay homage to the sea. We great Olorun. We pay homage to the earth. We pay homage to the souls of our ancestors who are departed. We greet you Olodumare. We are grateful for this day and to all we have we give thanks to God All Mighty.

Summary Analysis

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be transformed from one state to another. Material energy can be exchanged for spiritual energy (blessings) and spiritual energy can be transformed into material energy. To receive something from the spiritual plain and for it to work for you, whether it be knowledge, healing, or any kind of blessings one must give something of material value in exchange. This is applied in churches of today in the form of tithes and in ritual as an offering of some kind. A spirit does not have free will and cannot do anything as such of their own free will,hence it is man that must first initiate the cycle of material offering that is transformed by the spirit into a spiritual blessing. In that case, it is not the spirit that complies to your wish by its free will but you are the cause and recipient of your own actions, for the energy that was used in the whole process came from you in the first place , but not from the spirit. Hence the bottom line is, a human being may do something for you for free, but a spirit never will.

On the altar are three objects of a lighted candle, a jar of water, and a lit cigar. These objects correspond to the three elements of lighted candle (fire), water, lit cigar (air). One may substitute incense for the lit cigar for they are simply basic three elements of nature.

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